donderdag 26 november 2009

Lightbox 2.04 and validation

I'm using Lightbox for a few years now, and I really like it.
But the last months I was learning XHTML Strict and CSS and the importance of validation (I use this Firefox-plugin to validate,...)
But the lightbox 2.04 CSS didn't get validated, but there's a simple fix:
got to the lightbox.css-file and change
background-image: url() to
background-image: url("") (just adding the 2 "-marks) on this line:
#prevLink, #nextLink{ width: 49%; height: 100%; background-image: url(); /* Trick IE into showing hover */ display: block; }

I'm on a Mac, so didn't check IE, but no problems using Safari 4.0.4 or Firefox3.5.3 (if you can confirm if it works on IE or other browsers, please leave a comment).

Site I used this fix on, so you can test:

I'm still looking for a way to put a link in the title-attribute and get validated. As soon as I find a way, I'll blog about it! If you know a way please let me know.