donderdag 13 juni 2013

Hard drive replacement for my iMac 24 inch, Late 2006 (HDD: WD10EZEX)

Yesterday I finally replaced the HDD of my iMac 24 inch, Late 2006 (iMac 6,1 a.k.a. MA456LL), it was a lot easier than I thought it would be (thanks to the help of the ifixit guide). My old HDD broke down about a month after waranty expired, since then I've used an external 1TB FW800 drive which worked fine, but finally replaced it...

Extra info:
Old drive that the iMac arrived with: WD2500JS (WD Caviar SE 250GB)
New drive: WD10EZEX (WD Blue 1TB 3,5", SATA III (aka SATA 600),7200RPM, 64MB)

 I was worried about the combination of the SATA I interface of the motherboard, with SATA III of the HDD, worried about the jumper settings... But it just worked out of the box, no jumper settings needed. (HDD temp. at the moment 40C°, sound levels are fine)

 I couldn't find any info about this drive in this iMac model, so hopefully it will help someone else...

donderdag 26 november 2009

Lightbox 2.04 and validation

I'm using Lightbox for a few years now, and I really like it.
But the last months I was learning XHTML Strict and CSS and the importance of validation (I use this Firefox-plugin to validate,...)
But the lightbox 2.04 CSS didn't get validated, but there's a simple fix:
got to the lightbox.css-file and change
background-image: url() to
background-image: url("") (just adding the 2 "-marks) on this line:
#prevLink, #nextLink{ width: 49%; height: 100%; background-image: url(); /* Trick IE into showing hover */ display: block; }

I'm on a Mac, so didn't check IE, but no problems using Safari 4.0.4 or Firefox3.5.3 (if you can confirm if it works on IE or other browsers, please leave a comment).

Site I used this fix on, so you can test:

I'm still looking for a way to put a link in the title-attribute and get validated. As soon as I find a way, I'll blog about it! If you know a way please let me know.

maandag 12 oktober 2009

Mac tip! Open a folder in a new window.

Ok, a kind of basic mac tip, but it can be a real time-saver.

To open a folder in a new window, just hold command while double clicking the folder.

woensdag 7 oktober 2009

Entered my Mimobot-design, please vote.

Vote here, and Mr. Fluff will love you forever.

zondag 13 september 2009

Mac Tip! Always on top in quicktime … on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.

Something that always bugged me still isn't fixed in snow leopard, the absence of "always on top" in quicktime. In earlier versions of Mac OS X you can just install Afloat (which uses plugsuit), but plugsuit isn't supported (yet) in Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6), so here is a workaround:

•Install Afloat (this also installs plugsuit), don't authorize plugsuit, cause plugsuit doesn't work in snow leopard, and remove it (only plugsuit, not Afloat!) using the Afloat installer.
•Install SIMBL-0.9.5b or newer. (SIMBL replaces plugsuit).
•Log out and back in or reboot could be nescesary
Now you have "keep afloat" (= always on top), and other options in the windows pane in most of your apps.

Just to be clear: in leopard you don't need the workaround, you can just install Afloat.

Hope you enjoy the tip,